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Ele Agbe


“My life is all about giving back what was given to me.”

—Comfort Adjahoe-Jennings, CEO/Founder

As a social entrepreneur with a passion for leading women, Comfort Adjahoe-Jennings founded Ele Agbe on the value of economic inclusion. Working especially in Ghana’s rural areas, the artisan enterprise promotes indigenous African handcraft skills as a way for women to gain sustainable livelihoods and support their families. Ele Agbe trains and works with over 300 artisans across the country, including women-led shea butter processing cooperatives and a network of over 5,000 seasonal shea nut harvesters. At Ele Agbe artisans care for the earth and their communities, mentoring and passing on their skills to younger generations. The name Ele Agbe means “God is alive” in the Ewe language.


Ele Agbe


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