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Signs of Spring: How to Plant Seeds

Signs of Spring: How to Plant Seeds

Yellow daffodils in Teal Planter by Ten Thousand Villages, amongst a garden of daffodils

I woke to a blanket of snow, pulled my covers up, and rolled over. A week later, it’s warm, not a snowflake in sight. But I see Snowdrops, little signs of spring, on my morning walks, so my mind turns to seeds. According to the free Planting Calendar by the Farmer’s Almanac, I should get at it and plant those seeds:

Owl terracotta planter with greens in a garden

Step 1 | Plant your seeds

Fill your pot with nourishing soil and plant according to the seed packet’s instructions. Press down with your finger to create a little dent, put in a seed, and lightly cover and water. If it’s a nice day, pot outside, but then check your location with the Farmer’s Almanac Planting Calendar to confirm whether these seed babies need to be indoors for now. I love our little planters, handcrafted in small batches by skilled artisans with Corr-The Jute Works in Bangladesh.

Step 2 | Watch and water

Keep your potted seeds in a warm spot, typically indoors, unless you’re in a warm climate. If you have kids, this is a fun activity for them to join.

Step 3 | Celebrate these signs of spring!

There’s nothing like little shoots peeping out. Celebrate this beautiful sign of spring and renewal. This past week on March 8, Hindus worldwide, including many artisans who partner with Ten Thousand Villages to handcraft our planters, celebrated spring with the annual festival of colors called Holi. Typically Holi is celebrated over two days with bonfires, family meals, dancing, sweets, and throwing bright-colored powders and water into the air and at one another. Red for love and fertility, yellow for joy, and green for new beginnings. Holi is a beautiful springtime tradition.

Open palms holding colorful powder in a circle at a Holi party in India, celebrating spring

Step 4 | Move outdoors

I only grow herbs since I don’t have much of a green thumb, but I love cooking, and fresh herbs are the best trick to fancy any meal. My favorite mix:

  • basil – to pair with fresh tomatoes and mozzarella di Buffalo for Caprese salad
  • cilantro – for tacos and nachos, even in green salads
  • parsley – excellent to munch on to freshen breath, great with grilling
  • chives – for baked potato night, yum
  • mint – mojitos, lemonade, or tossed with chunks of watermelon with a balsamic reduction for a summery salad

I might plant an herb per animal planter this year for a fun moment on our back deck. If you’re ready for more than herbs, the pros at the Farmer’s Almanac have an 11-step guide to transplanting seedlings outdoors. Timing depends on where you live and your local climate. I keep it simple, sticking with herbs, moving my plants outside when the weather is warm enough, and sometimes repotting to larger containers when the herbs mature. Then, you can find me happily resting in the hammock, with my kids nearby in theirs!

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