Journey through the Enchanted Forest
Pieces of folklore—for the wanderer
Walk along the forest path, lit dimly by spots of sunlight peeking through trees, glistening on amber leaves with a flicker that comes and goes in the rustle of a breeze. In the darker parts of the forest, shadows play like mischievous spirits dancing all about with maniacal smiles and cackling that reaches the ears only in the form of creaking branches, the cry of a crow, the hum of a dragonfly. You reach a gentle stream. It’s lined with soft moss and fragile grass on either side. And across the water, you spot a ring of mushrooms where fairies might have danced the night before. It comforts you to know that there are such cheerful spirits sleeping in these woods, along with the frightening ones. You’re sure to leave the spot undisturbed, as you draw nearer, having stepped across stones in the shallow stream.
You can feel these good forces watching you from their beds up in the trees; they listen to your footsteps from underground. They will keep you safe from harm as you continue your journey, because a delicate balance has been struck among the strange, invisible folk of the forest.
And it’s a balance that’s meant to be respected.
It’s comforting to carry herbs and crystals with you. You wear a shawl that’s been lovingly embroidered. You wear a necklace that mimics the golden leaves. These things make you feel safer still, as you blend into the wooded scene, becoming a part of the forest, instead of a threatening intruder.
There is folklore loomed into the fabric of your bag that borrows its color from beet roots. There is magic in the slivers of geode, dangling from your earrings. These shards of amethyst spent years sitting quietly in the cool dark of a cave, before finally being unearthed and carried into the sunlight, where they sparkled with spectacular splendor. And they’re sparkling still, releasing mysterious, earthen energy into the universe.
There’s not much farther to go now, and you feel the accomplishment that comes with overcoming obstacles. You’ve found bravery that you never knew you had. And you’re ready to take on whatever comes next.
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