7 Unexpectedly Easy Ways Baskets Will Organize Your Life
Long days and busy schedules can leave us feeling tired and unmotivated to keep our homes as neat and tidy we wish we could. Add kids, pets, and hobbies into the mix, and we have a recipe for clutter and chaos! Make simplifying your space easy with the help of a few good baskets.
Here are seven unexpectedly easy ways baskets can organize your life.
Mealtime Management –
Dining isn’t the only thing that happens at the kitchen table. Homework and hobbies are just as welcome as dinner guests, which can make enjoying a peaceful meal feel impossible. It’s easier than you think to simplify the situation! Store your essentials like salt, pepper, and cloth napkins in a bread basket that can be kept fully stocked for mealtime, and easily moved to make room for a spontaneous art project or study session.

Make a Blanket Statement –
We get it. It’s cold out, and settling in for hibernation is the only thing that will get us through the bleak winter months. Stocking up on warm blankets and throw pillows is a no-brainer, but do they really need to take up all that valuable couch real estate? Nope! Have a basket handy to put them in their place when they’re not in use. Not only will your living room immediately look and feel neater, but storing blankets and pillows out of reach of pets keeps them fresh and clean (we’re looking at you, naughty dog who jumps on the couch when we’re at work).

Powder Room Power Play –
Has your bathroom been overrun? Regain control of your space with three easy steps! Step one: simplify by getting rid of any product or makeup you haven’t reached for recently. Step two: find a set of coordinating baskets that can store all your remaining essentials in an easy-to-reach spot. Step three: breathe a sigh of relief.

Clutter Curation –
Baskets with lids are the best gift you can give yourself. Whatever your style, there’s a handmade basket that makes hiding clutter before last minute guests arrive look like a strategic interior design choice. To take your home from a chaotic mess to a scene worthy of Instagram in less than sixty seconds, simply place your baskets in high traffic areas so they’re ready to fill with mismatched socks, all those Legos you keep stepping on, and a rogue cat toy or two. You’re welcome.

Let’s Hang Out –
The days of driving all the way to the store only to realize you left your wallet at home are over! A basket with handles is an easy solution to the age-old problem of leaving the house without all those tiny details you need to successfully make it through the day. Simply hang the basket on the coat rack and use it to store anything from car keys to that t-shirt you need to remember to return before next Tuesday.

Color-Coded Cubbies –
For those of us with little ones, getting out the door can be quite a challenge. An easy way to keep morning routines moving along smoothly is to put a color-coded basket for each child by the front door. They’re great for stacking or organizing in a neat row, and can hold snack boxes, stuffed animals, extra wipes, and other parenting essentials. It might not help your four-year-old put his shoes on any faster, but at least he’ll know where to find them.

Lost and Found –
All those seasonal accessories that are so easy to lose can be safely corralled in a strategically placed basket. Located at various entry-ways to your home, baskets can immediately take your winter gloves, flip-flops, and running gear off your hands so you can avoid a frantic search later. Can’t remember where you left your scarf? Check the basket by the back door!

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